Boston Play Café is a monthly TV show that invites its audience to experience the excitement of behind the scenes theater!

Once a script is finished, the playwright needs to hear how it sounds and get feedback from actors. This is usually done at a table reading where it's all about the script. No costumes. No moving around a stage. No lights or special effects. Just the words.

This is where Boston Play Cafe comes in. We televise table readings of short plays and scenes and give viewers a front seat. 

Just as with actual table readings the writer and actors chat about what works and what doesn’t. How to tweak it. Where it can go from here. It's a blend of spontaneity and rehearsal. It explores questions about how plays can become most effective. It's theater in the raw.

Join us. Your table is ready.  

                                                                            Host Don Crane Welcomes you...   


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